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To further promote Social Sailing, various CCSA members gather at the club on Wednesday afternoons – mid-May through mid-September, 3:30-6:00PM, as weather permits.

Social Sailing on non-scheduled sailing days (e.g. Saturdays, & Sundays other than those in the calendar). Recreational sailing is always encouraged – time in a sailing boat is essential to help develop your sailing skills. Follow a Safety-First perspective by letting someone in the club, with more sailing experience, know that you’re considering going sailing, or team up with them on the water (use the GroupMe app). Always check the weather & wind conditions & ask about any weather changes. Remember your keys to access the sailing compound. Members new to the sport of sailing are encouraged to volunteer for crewing opportunities (any event in the calendar; talk to skippers – make your interest known. Crewing is a great way to ‘learn the ropes’ and gain confidence, while a seasoned skipper demonstrates boat handling, interpreting wind behavior, takes you through the basics of the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).