

5 November 2011


A. The name of the organization will be the Capitol City Sailing Association (CCSA).


A. To encourage and foster both the sport of sailboat racing and recreational sailing

B. The Association will promote sailing in a wholesome manner, providing the organization and facilities for competitive racing, day sailing, educational and social activity, in compliance with the By-Laws.


A. Membership:

A1. Member must have submitted an approved application form and paid all dues as required by section B. of this SECTION.

B. Dues or assessments shall be voted at a board meeting and approved by a majority. Fiscal year is March 1 through February 28 (29). Dues shall be paid by May 1 of each year to maintain membership in the Association.

C. Honorary Members shall consist of those having rendered extraordinary service to the association. They shall be elected by the Board and shall have the privileges of a member in good standing.


A. The officers of the Association are designated Commodore, Rear Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Secretary / Treasurer offices may be combined in the forming years of the Association through action of the Board of Directors. The precedence of the officers is in the order shown above. Term of office for officers is three-years. Officers shall be permitted to serve two or more consecutive terms.

B. Duties

1. Commodore: This officer will direct the day-to-day affairs of the Association in a manner consistent with the policies of the Board of Directors, and will enforce the Association regulations. The Commodore may make disbursements in the absence of the Treasurer, and shall be the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. The Commodore is ex-officio member of all committees.

2. Vice-Commodore: This officer will assist the Commodore, and in the Commodore’s absence, act in that officer’s stead.

3. Rear Commodore: This officer will serve as an advisor and for special projects as assigned. The Rear Commodore is the past commodore and is not elected. The Rear Commodore is also a member of the Board of Directors.

4. Secretary: This officer will keep a record of all Association meetings. The Secretary will maintain a roster of the committees, members, and sailboats enrolled in the Association. The Secretary will be responsible for the annual distribution of a club membership roster. The Secretary will report to the Association at its meetings and to the Board of Directors.

5. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect all moneys due the Association and make disbursements there from as approved by the Board of Directors. In addition, the Treasurer will keep an account of all club property and investments. The Treasurer will make a financial report for the Association annual meeting.


A. The Board of Directors is the governing body of the CAPITOL CITY SAILING ASSOCIATION, Incorporated, operating through its agents, the officers. The Board will consist of nine members, including the five officers. Five (5) board members, including two officers, shall constitute a quorum. All meetings of the Board of Directors will be called by the Commodore or any two other Board Members acting in unison. In the latter case, the Board Members’ wishes will be made known to an officer of the association who will see to calling a special meeting of the Board. The Commodore shall be the Chairperson or the officer present next in precedence. All motions must pass by a simple majority of those board members present.

B. Discretionary Powers: The Board of Directors may require committees and Officers to report to it. It has control over policy and finances.

C. The Board of Directors shall report to the Association at its annual meeting.

D. All property of the Association shall be vested in the Board of Directors as trustee for the members thereof, and they shall have power to act for and bind the club members, as their agent in all transactions relating to such property.

E. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to fill vacancies in officers and their own membership, but only for the unexpired term.

F. The Board of Directors shall not incur debt in excess of annual income, unless empowered by the general membership.


A. The Officers and Board of Directors shall appoint the following positions from the active membership directory; Editor, Race Chair, Education Chair, Facilities Chair and Social Chair. Each appointment shall report to the Officers and Board of Directors. These Special Appointments are critical to the continued growth of the CCSA and serve to improve the functionality of the Board of Directors without overloading the members in question. Special Appointments can be made from within the politic body or from the general membership. Special Appointments will be ratified by majority vote by the Officers and Board of Directors.

B. No member appointed to a Special Appointment shall incur any debt for the CCSA without specific authorization by budget or special approval from the Officers and Board of Director. All expenses approved and incurred will be documented and the receipts delivered to the Treasurer, as necessary

C. Editor. The Editor will solicit and publish events and topics on a quarterly basis or more often as needed to the general membership and the website. The Editor should contact the Officers, Directors, Fleet Captains and others for information in sufficient time to publish. The Editor will be primarily responsible for the editorial content and format of the newsletter and website and should be somewhat skilled in writing a newsletter.

D. Race Chair. The Race Chair will coordinate CCSA Racing Events, Race Committees and provide timely results to the Officers, Directors and general membership. The Race Chair should also provide results to the CCSA Editor or the website administrator as applicable to report race results. The Race

Chair will coordinate Regatta Race Committees, using guidance in the CCSA Sailing Instructions.

E. Education Chair shall make available to the membership such materials, “skill sessions,” and other activities as, in its opinion, may serve to educate the membership regarding all aspects of sailing, including safety. It shall coordinate with the City’s Parks & Recreation staff in assisting with the junior sailing program. The Education Chair shall coordinate sailing clinics, workshops, or other training programs as, in its opinion, may serve to educate members regarding all aspects of sailing, including racing and safety.

F. Facility Chair. Facilities Chair will serve as the person in charge of all events and issues surrounding the Site. The Facilities Chair will coordinate with the Secretary and Treasurer to ensure that all members storing boats are in compliance with the Bylaws and Contracts for Boat Storage. The Facilities Chair will act as the central point of contact to outside agencies, specific to issues regarding the Site (such as vandalism, damage or abandoned property) and keep the Officers and Board of Directors apprised as to issues that need resolution. The Treasurer will remain the primary point of contact with property owner “City of Jefferson Department of Parks and Recreation and any successors. Facilities Chair shall not collect or receiving any membership dues unless they also fill the position of Secretary/Treasurer.

G. Social Chair. The Social Chair will conduct all necessary functions to ensure that the following three events are scheduled and the membership is notified of any special requirements: Winter Social, Summer Picnic, Awards Ceremony and Annual Meeting. The Social Chair can solicit participation from the general membership to assist in coordinating the events. The Social Chair will submit a request for expenses (either verbal or written) to the Board of Directors for approval prior to the event being planned.

H. The Board of Directors may appoint additional temporary positions as needed.


A. The annual general meeting shall be held the second Saturday in February, however, the Board of Directors may elect a different date. The Secretary shall notify all members in writing two weeks prior to the meeting date.

B. Special meetings of the Association membership may be called by the Board of Directors, or by written request of one-fourth of the membership. Special meetings will have power to act only on the specific business for which

the special meeting was called. The Secretary will notify the membership at least one week prior to the date of the special meeting.

C. Committee Chairpersons will have authority to arrange their own committee meetings. The Commodore may call a meeting of any committee.

D. Proxies may be submitted in writing for any meeting.


A. At least thirty (30) days prior to an annual meeting, the Board of Directors will choose a nominating committee consisting of two board members, one regular member and one officer. The nominating committee will select a slate of candidates to succeed the vacancies on the Board of Directors and Officers. The committee will report the slate to the Board of Directors two weeks prior to the annual meeting. The nominating committee shall poll the membership for possible candidates. The Board of Directors will approve and present the slate to the membership at large during the annual meeting. The board will also accept nominations from the membership for any and all offices and board members. Any member proposing a nominee must submit with the nomination a statement of willingness to serve from the nominee two weeks prior to the annual meeting. Nominees must be current members of CCSA and must be the skipper of a sailboat actively used in CCSA events unless approved by a quorum of the Board prior to election. The Commodore’s ex-officio status on all committees does not apply to the nominating committee.


A. The Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer and members of the Board of Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting each year by a majority vote of the members present or by proxy. Each Officer and Board member will serve for a term of one year. The term of office will take effect immediately upon election. Voting shall be by secret ballot


A. Fleets will consist of two types: one design fleets and miscellaneous fleets. One design fleets must meet the requirements of their National Association and appoint their own fleet captains. All boats not part of a one design fleet will be assigned to a miscellaneous fleet. Miscellaneous fleets may appoint fleet captains.

B. Races of Miscellaneous Fleets will be scored on a handicap basis. We use the D- PN base number on all boats in all races in all wind speeds.


Committees shall be appointed by the Commodore and consist of not less than three members.


A. The Board of Directors will oversee the responsible behavior of the members. In cases where dismissal of a member is desired, a complaint must be submitted to the Board of Directors in written form and agreed to by at least three members of the board. A copy of the complaint will be mailed to the member concerned by certified mail, advising him of a hearing date before the Board of Directors. At least two weeks notice must be given the member concerned. The Board of Directors will meet on the appointed date and decide the issue with or without the respondent present. If the Board of Directors finds the charges proved, it may admonish or suspend or fine the member. Should forfeiture of membership be the decision of the Board of Directors, at least five Board Members must agree. The member will be given written notification of the decision by certified mail, and his entire dues remitted. A member who has been required by the Board of Directors to forfeit his membership has the right to appeal within two weeks to the members at a special meeting. A majority vote by the members present in favor of retaining him or her will veto the Board of Directors’ decision.


A. These by-laws may be amended only by a majority vote of the members present at a general membership meeting. Each year by-laws herein will be reviewed by the Board of Directors. The Association membership shall be notified one week in advance of meeting to consider amending Association by-laws.


A. All Association membership or Board of Directors’ meetings will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order if requested by a voting member.